IELTS, which stands for International English Language Testing System, is a globally-recognised test of English language proficiency.It can open doors to studying and working abroad, or help fulfill important language requirements for immigrating to a country you love to reside. Whatever your final goal may be, it is essential to be as prepared as possible. The IELTS is designed to test your knowledge and use of the English language. IELTS is scored on a 0-9 band score basis.Getting the right IELTS band score can be a life changing experience.We will prepare you to take the IELTS test with confidence.
All 4 Modules Rs.10000
Dual Module Rs.5000
Single Module Rs.4000
Please register by selecting your convenient date and time or WhatsApp / contact course counsellor @ +91 70 25 93 40 84 for registration
Please WhatsApp or contact course counsellor @ +91 70 25 93 40 84 for details